Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Your Whimsical Gift Boutique

You may wonder why we call ourselves "A Whimsical Gift Boutique". Well, we have the unique gifts that the big box store don't. Gifts that add a little whimsy to your gift giving. Gifts that no one else will give. From Sock Monkeys to Crafts for Kids to 80's Leg Warmers to Educational Kids Games to Aprons/Kids in the Kitchen Sets to Personalized backpacks--all the things that make a kid smile. I know that when I give a backpack with the child's name personalized on the bag, the child's face just lights up. All the other family members or guests at the party are amazed by such a unique gift. They always want to know where I got the bag! The Crazy Dazy! So I guess you can say we specialize in kids smiles. That is what makes us unique and makes us "A Whimsical Gift Boutique!"

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