Monday, August 26, 2013

Growing Up! (Buckhead Betties Backpacks)

Raising four boys definitely was different than being an only child girl!  My husband came from a family of four boys and he thinks the life we live is NORMAL!! LOL!!  There is nothing NORMAL about living with a house full of males! LOL!!  We now have two Grandsons and they are absolutely AWESOME!  Males may be a challenge to live with, especially if you are the only female in the house, but I certainly wouldn't have traded it.  Since I have spent the last 28 years shopping for Boy/Male stuff, I enjoy looking at the cute Girl things!
I know from my friends daughters, that they quickly outgrow those 'cute' little girl things and want to look 'all grown up' way too fast.  If your daughter thinks she is too old for a cute 'little' girl backpack, check out our Buckhead Betties line.
Buckhead Betties Backpacks
Buckhead Betties Backpacks

Pink & Green Camelot Buckhead Betties Backpack
Pink & Green Camelot Buckhead Betties Backpack
  These backpacks are really cute and are appropriate for any age.  She will look cute carrying one of these backpacks and still feel all 'grown-up'.  You can check our Buckhead Betties Backpacks out at

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Help you child want to go back to school! (Stephen Joseph Backpacks)

Stephen Joseph Race Car Signature Quilted Backpack
Stephen Joseph Race Car Signature Quilted Backpack
Stephen Joseph Sidekick Bee BackpackAs I have said in many of my blogs, time just goes by too fast!  In May, our youngest of four sons graduated from High School.  In June, he was drafted by the New York Yankees.  In July he flew to Tampa, Florida, signed his first professional baseball contract, and began playing baseball with the Yankees.  It seems like only a few short years ago, we took him to Kindergarten and now he is living his dream.

Stephen Joseph Sidekick Bee Backpack
Some of the best advice that I can share from raising our four boys is that parents should enjoy all of the time that they have with their children, because they certainly grow up too fast! I remember those days when the baby was crying, one of them needed a drink RIGHT NOW, and the other two were getting out all of the toys that we had just picked up.  Another piece of parenting advice would be that 'those are the easy days'!  All too quickly, they are out of the baby stage, don't need your help getting a drink, and their toys have keys and motors that start them!  Your prayers quickly change 'from help me to survive this day' to 'help them survive growing up'!  At this stage, you think that you are 'almost there' as a parent.  Somewhere along the line, we believe that the hard part of parenting is over when they graduate from High School.  No one ever tells us how hard parenting gets after the age of 18.  At this point, they usually move out of our house either for college or a job, make friends that we have no way of  checking their background on, meet the right or wrong significant other, and many other life affecting things that we have no control over!  Although parenting gets tougher the older they get, it is the most rewarding job ever!  It is awesome to watch them grow into great young men or women!
Stephen Joseph Squirrel BackpackStephen Joseph Dog Go Go BackpackWhatever age your kids are, take time to enjoy parenting!  Days go by too fast!  If you are one of the lucky parents whose children haven't started the new school year yet, take advantage of the days you have left with them at home.  Housework will wait!  If they haven't started back to school yet, you still have time to order a special backpack from  There are so many great backpacks, matching lunch boxes, water bottles, and much more.  Check out our Stephen Joseph line of products.  They are sure to help your child get excited about going back to school.  The more excited they are, the easier the transition will be for both of you.   Have fun and make these days special

Monday, August 5, 2013

It's a Skip, It's a Hop, It's a Skip Hop (Skip Hop Backpack)

Skip Hop Kids Backpack
Skip Hop Kids Backpack
Kids are skipping and kids are hopping, but kids will be giggling with delight when they see their new Skip Hop BackpackSkip Hop Backpacks are perfect for young children.  They have a roomy main compartment.  The insulated pouch is perfect for snacks!  Padded straps will let the kids carry their own backpack comfortably.  There is a mesh compartment perfect for holding a water bottle.  These backpacks are BPA Free and they have an easy to clean lining.
Check out these adorable Skip Hop Backpacks today at
Skip Hop Kids Backpack
Skip Hop Kids Backpack