Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stephen Joseph Quilted Backpacks

A lady called me today and she was in a hurry! It seems that her order for a Stephen Joseph quilted backpack had been cancelled by another major website because they were out of stock. We carry the largest selection of Stephen Joseph gifts on the internet here at The Crazy Dazy. As a result, we had the travel backpack she needed for her plane trip with her two-year-old twins. We all pack too much when traveling with kids and having a backpack for both of them to carry on the airplane would lighten her load. Plus, they could pull out small toys from the backpack to keep them entertained.

We offer rush shipping and we sent out the order the same day so she’ll have it in time for the trip. Before she talked to me, she only had one backpack for two kids. Now BOTH kids will have their own backpack, no one is left out, and mom has an easier time traveling because her preschool kids help carry the load with their toddler/preschool backpacks!

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