Thursday, February 16, 2012

Owls are a HOOT! {How to decorate with an Owl Theme}

Not sure about you but I am just lovin' the new style of Owls that have been coming out!  Owls are not just for night time anymore; they are for decorating and for style.   So here are some of our favorite ideas that are out there.  Check them out and they might just inspire you and find out they really are a HOOT!
1.   Owl Gift Bags -- Oh my how cute are these.  What a great way to give owl gifts!  Check them out at Christine's Critters on Etsy.

2.  Repainting old worn our dressers -- Wow, what a great idea!  This is a great idea and very inexpensive.  Check out her step by step instructions.  
Image via Never a Dull Day

3. Owl Bedding and Decor -- Complete the look with this fun Treetop Friends from Skip Hop.  They have many different items with the Owl theme.  
Image via Skip Hop

 4.  Every owl theme needs food -- How adorable are these little guys?  Check out her owl s'mores directions on how to make these cute little owls!  
Image via Living Locurto

5.  Finish off your room with Owl Decor -- Check out all the owls you can hang out with and decorate with.  Stephen Joseph Owls are a hoot!   Pink and brown owls are a perfect accent to any girl's room decor.  
Image via The Crazy Dazy

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Our Favorite Dance Bags! {Dasha Designs Dance Bags}

Dance Tote Bag
It kinda cracks me up that I work with mostly girly stuff all day, but I have two little boys.  BUT I still have favorites!  A girl can dream, huh?  Here are some of my new favorite girly dance bags.  We started carrying Dasha Designs Dance Bags at The Crazy Dazy last fall.  And oh my, they have been a hit!  I just finished loading a new style...Blue Wild Tote Bag.  Hey, a girl with all boys has to LUV Blue, right?  Well, it is my new FAVE.  Hope you love it too!  Be girly if you can!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Small in Size but BIG on Cuteness! {Stephen Joseph Baby Shower Gifts}

Stephen Joseph Baby Shower Gift
Do you have some Baby Showers coming up?  Need a super cute baby shower gift that no one else is giving?  At The Crazy Dazy we just got in some Kid Banks that are small in size BUT B-I-G on cuteness.  They are called Baby Banks!  Isn't that sweet?  Give the bank with some cash already inside and you have a super gift.  While you are here at The Crazy Dazy, go ahead and pick up a Diaper Bag or even some of the new place matssippy cups and food trays.  What a great way to start a mom and baby off in style!